** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week.
Wednesday Summer Lunch in the Park is underway. We will go weekly through August 9th. Please share with your church members, family, and friends that we will provide a meal beginning at 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This meal is for anyone (not just children). Dine at the park or carry-out. Please share: The Second Harvest Food Bank will be delivering weekly meal bags on Mondays this summer from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at DeGraff Park. The program will run from June 4th to August 7th. Our thanks to Riverside Local Schools staff and students who are stepping up to handle the distribution this year. According to Peak of Ohio (posted on their website on Friday): Every child is eligible for a bag containing five breakfasts and five lunches. Adults and parents may pick up bags for children in their households. Weekend bags will also be available IF the parent/guardian fills out a one-page form for eligibility. The weekend bags contain extra meals and snacks to help throughout the weekend. Remaining Schedule for meals: August 2 - Stony Creek August 9 - G.R.A.C.E. will host. We are thinking pizzas, veggie bags & dips, fresh fruit, bottled water and/or juice drinks, dessert or snack items. We will need some help putting things together but funding will be provided by G.R.A.C.E. donations already received. ____________________________________________________________ ** 1st Wednesday Kids Club is done for the school year, and we are beginning to explore what next year will look like. If you would like to get involved in the planning process, feel free to reach out! ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. They will be meeting again soon. They are looking for a way to help our church and are going to be starting a fundraiser to help us get new chairs in our fellowship / gathering area! ** Logan County Youth Worship Night is being planned for September 10th at Indian Lake High School. ** Faith Builders new Bible study group will be taking a break due to schedules and ball games. Will be looking for a time coming up soon to get back started. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place this Thursday August 30th at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be meeting at the church, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month! The next meeting will be July 27th at 7:00. **Missions Moment - time to get involved! The free community produce tent is up and ready this summer in partnership with New Beginnings Church. The tent is set up at New Beginnings and will stay there until sometime in September. Please share this info with local gardeners who may want to donate some of their harvest to the tent. ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! You will need to purchase soon to make sure you have it before the Free Sale on August 5th - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting Jell-O packets or individual cups for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by August 13th. They will still serve meals and give out food boxes Wed. August 16th at 4:30pm, if you would like to help serve and carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - July 31st - August 6th
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff
** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week.
Wednesday Summer Lunch in the Park is underway. We will go weekly through August 9th. Please share with your church members, family, and friends that we will provide a meal beginning at 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This meal is for anyone (not just children). Dine at the park or carry-out. Please share: The Second Harvest Food Bank will be delivering weekly meal bags on Mondays this summer from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at DeGraff Park. The program will run from June 4th to August 7th. Our thanks to Riverside Local Schools staff and students who are stepping up to handle the distribution this year. According to Peak of Ohio (posted on their website on Friday): Every child is eligible for a bag containing five breakfasts and five lunches. Adults and parents may pick up bags for children in their households. Weekend bags will also be available IF the parent/guardian fills out a one-page form for eligibility. The weekend bags contain extra meals and snacks to help throughout the weekend. Remaining Schedule for meals: July 19 - Quincy Methodist Church July 26 - Philadelphia Lutheran August 2 - Stony Creek August 9 - G.R.A.C.E. will host. We are thinking pizzas, veggie bags & dips, fresh fruit, bottled water and/or juice drinks, dessert or snack items. We will need some help putting things together but funding will be provided by G.R.A.C.E. donations already received. ____________________________________________________________ ** 1st Wednesday Kids Club is done for the school year, and we are beginning to explore what next year will look like. If you would like to get involved in the planning process, feel free to reach out! ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. They will be meeting again soon. ** Faith Builders new Bible study group will be taking a break due to schedules and ball games. Will be looking for a time coming up soon to get back started. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place this Thursday July 20th at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be meeting at the church, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month! The next meeting will be July 27th at 7:00. **Missions Moment - time to get involved! The free community produce tent is up and ready this summer in partnership with New Beginnings Church. The tent is set up at New Beginnings and will stay there until sometime in September. Please share this info with local gardeners who may want to donate some of their harvest to the tent. To wrap up the summer we will set the Free Sale for Saturday, August 5th. So we will start the set-up the previous Sunday after Church and take donations to sort and display July 31st through August 3rd from 6 to 8 p.m. More info later on this. - Sue Walls, Missions Chair ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! You will need to purchase soon to make sure you have it before the Free Sale on August 5th - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting Jell-O packets or individual cups for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by August 13th. They will still serve meals and give out food boxes Wed. August 16th at 4:30pm, if you would like to help serve and carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - July 17th - July 23rd
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week.
Wednesday Summer Lunch in the Park is underway. We will go weekly through August 9th. Please share with your church members, family, and friends that we will provide a meal beginning at 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This meal is for anyone (not just children). Dine at the park or carry-out. Please share: The Second Harvest Food Bank will be delivering weekly meal bags on Mondays this summer from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at DeGraff Park. The program will run from June 4th to August 7th. Our thanks to Riverside Local Schools staff and students who are stepping up to handle the distribution this year. According to Peak of Ohio (posted on their website on Friday): Every child is eligible for a bag containing five breakfasts and five lunches. Adults and parents may pick up bags for children in their households. Weekend bags will also be available IF the parent/guardian fills out a one-page form for eligibility. The weekend bags contain extra meals and snacks to help throughout the weekend. Remaining Schedule for meals: July 12 - Stony Creek July 19 - Quincy Methodist Church July 26 - Philadelphia Lutheran August 2 - Stony Creek August 9 - G.R.A.C.E. will host. We are thinking pizzas, veggie bags & dips, fresh fruit, bottled water and/or juice drinks, dessert or snack items. We will need some help putting things together but funding will be provided by G.R.A.C.E. donations already received. ____________________________________________________________ ** 1st Wednesday Kids Club is done for the school year, and we are beginning to explore what next year will look like. If you would like to get involved in the planning process, feel free to reach out! ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. They will be meeting again on Sunday July 16th 6:30 - 8:00. ** Faith Builders new Bible study group will be taking a break due to schedules and ball games. Will be looking for a time coming up soon to get back started. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place on July 6th at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be meeting at the church, this Thursday July 13th at 7:00 pm. **Missions Moment - time to get involved! We will be assisting G.R.A.C.E. with the free lunches in the park on Wednesdays during the summer. Our Church will be providing lunches on June 14th and July 5th. We will prepare the meals at Church and serve them over at the park. Sarah will buy the items we need to make Walking Tacos for June 14th along with fruit cups, Rice Krispy treats and juice boxes. We will decide later on the menu for July 5th which might include grilled hot dogs. More details to come. We will plan to have the free community produce tent again this summer in partnership with New Beginnings Church. The tent will be set up around the end of June or first of July at New Beginnings and stay there until sometime in September. Please share this info with local gardeners who may want to donate some of their harvest to the tent. To wrap up the summer we will set the Free Sale for Saturday, August 5th. So we will start the set-up the previous Sunday after Church and take donations to sort and display July 31st through August 3rd from 6 to 8 p.m. More info later on this. - Sue Walls, Missions Chair ** We are now collecting instant oatmeal for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by July 16th. They will still serve meals and give out food boxes Wed. July 19th at 4:30pm, if you would like to help serve and carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - July 10th - July 16th - Logan County Fair Week!
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week.
Wednesday Summer Lunch in the Park is underway. We will go weekly through August 9th. Please share with your church members, family, and friends that we will provide a meal beginning at 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This meal is for anyone (not just children). Dine at the park or carry-out. Please share: The Second Harvest Food Bank will be delivering weekly meal bags on Mondays this summer from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at DeGraff Park. The program will run from June 4th to August 7th. Our thanks to Riverside Local Schools staff and students who are stepping up to handle the distribution this year. According to Peak of Ohio (posted on their website on Friday): Every child is eligible for a bag containing five breakfasts and five lunches. Adults and parents may pick up bags for children in their households. Weekend bags will also be available IF the parent/guardian fills out a one-page form for eligibility. The weekend bags contain extra meals and snacks to help throughout the weekend. Remaining Schedule for meals: June 28 - Philadelphia Lutheran July 5 - Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff (formerly called DeGraff UMC). July 12 - Stony Creek July 19 - Quincy Methodist Church July 26 - Philadelphia Lutheran August 2 - Stony Creek August 9 - G.R.A.C.E. will host. We are thinking pizzas, veggie bags & dips, fresh fruit, bottled water and/or juice drinks, dessert or snack items. We will need some help putting things together but funding will be provided by G.R.A.C.E. donations already received. ____________________________________________________________ ** 1st Wednesday Kids Club is done for the school year, and we are beginning to explore what next year will look like. If you would like to get involved in the planning process, feel free to reach out! ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. They will be meeting again on Sunday July 16th 6:30 - 8:00. ** Faith Builders new Bible study group will be taking a break due to schedules and ball games. Will be looking for a time coming up soon to get back started. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place on July 6th at 6:00. ** There was a small group for the first meeting, but we will continue to meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm. They will be looking at events like fishing, shooting, and other ways to engage with one another and help support each other. **Missions Moment - time to get involved! We will be assisting G.R.A.C.E. with the free lunches in the park on Wednesdays during the summer. Our Church will be providing lunches on June 14th and July 5th. We will prepare the meals at Church and serve them over at the park. Sarah will buy the items we need to make Walking Tacos for June 14th along with fruit cups, rice krispie treats and juice boxes. We will decide later on the menu for July 5th which might include grilled hot dogs. More details to come. We will plan to have the free community produce tent again this summer in partnership with New Beginnings Church. The tent will be set up around the end of June or first of July at New Beginnings and stay there until sometime in September. Please share this info with local gardeners who may want to donate some of their harvest to the tent. To wrap up the summer we will set the Free Sale for Saturday, August 5th. So we will start the set-up the previous Sunday after Church and take donations to sort and display July 31st through August 3rd from 6 to 8 p.m. More info later on this. - Sue Walls, Missions Chair ** We are now collecting instant oatmeal for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by July 16th. They will still serve meals and give out food boxes Wed. July 19th at 4:30pm, if you would like to help serve and carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - June 26th - July 2nd
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff |
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