** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps for the Week: Step 1 - Find the promises given by Jesus about receiving power from God. (Luke 24:49). Step 2 - Seek to receive this power, in the Holy Spirit. (Psalm 51:11). Step 3 - Use the power to rejoice in the Spirit. (Romans 15:13). Step 4 - Allow the Spirit to guide your understanding of God. (John 14:26) ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for April - Faith - “Trust in what you can’t see, because of what you believe.” Jesus and Peter when He was sinking in the water - Matthew 14: 22-34 ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, Packing takes place on Tuesday mornings with setup starting at 9:30 and packing beginning at 10:00! Feel free to join us! Lunch in the park will begin in June. Cornerstone will be leading two different weeks and we would love for you to help if you are able! Thank you! Darlene ____________________________________________________________ ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. Stay tuned for our next meeting day and time. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Thursday May 2nd at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - time to get involved! - we have been busy helping families in need within our community! We are also looking for more ways to make an impact in our community! If you have any ideas, reach out to Sue Walls and let her know! If you are still looking to keep the Christmas study going, the study guides can be found on our website and for download here: https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/advent-2023---hidden-christmas ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting boxed cereal for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by May 12th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. May 15th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - April 29th - May 5th Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 / G.R.A.C.E. Backpack Packing 9-10 / Worship Team Meeting 6:00 Wednesday: Bible Study - Hebrews at 10:00 am / Choir Practice 6:00 / Praise Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:15 / Cornerstone Women 6:00 pm Friday: AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm / Church open 7-9 pm Next Sunday - May 5th - Power of The Spirit - The Sacraments - Exodus 12: 11-17 / Psalm 136: 1-9 - Adult & High School Sunday School Classes 9:30 / Worship Service 10:30 / Communion Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor.
** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps for the Week: How is God calling you to be used to spread the Gospel? Pray for Liberia and the spread of the Gospel, and for their safety while being persecuted! ** Thank you to all those who made the baptisms special this week! ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for April - Faith - “Trust in what you can’t see, because of what you believe.” Jesus and Peter when He was sinking in the water - Matthew 14: 22-34 ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, Packing takes place on Tuesday mornings with setup starting at 9:30 and packing beginning at 10:00! Feel free to join us! Thank you! Darlene ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. Stay tuned for our next meeting day and time. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Thursday May 2nd at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - time to get involved! - we have been busy helping families in need within our community! We are also looking for more ways to make an impact in our community! If you have any ideas, reach out to Sue Walls and let her know! If you are still looking to keep the Christmas study going, the study guides can be found on our website and for download here: https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/advent-2023---hidden-christmas ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting boxed cereal for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by May 12th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. May 15th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - April 22nd - April 28th Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 / G.R.A.C.E. Backpack Packing 9-10 / Worship Team Meeting 6:00 Wednesday: Bible Study - Hebrews at 10:00 am / Choir Practice 6:00 / Praise Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:15 Friday: AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm / Church open 7-9 pm / Isaman Homecoming 5-9 at the church. Next Sunday - April 28th - Living A Resurrected Life - When We Lack Power - John 15: 1-17 / Psalm 18: 1-6 - Adult & High School Sunday School Classes 9:30 / Worship Service 10:30 Use these links to get to our other social pages. Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. ** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps for the Week: Carolyn Rice gives us Bible Verses for when You’re Feeling Unworthy Romans 3: 23-24 1 John 1:9 1 Peter 2:9 Luke 12:7 John 3: 16-17 ** Thank you to all those who made the baptisms special this week! ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for April - Faith - “Trust in what you can’t see, because of what you believe.” Jesus and Peter when He was sinking in the water - Matthew 14: 22-34 ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, Packing takes place on Tuesday mornings with setup starting at 9:30 and packing beginning at 10:00! Feel free to join us! Thank you! Darlene ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. Stay tuned for our next meeting day and time. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Thursday April 18th at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - time to get involved! - we have been busy helping families in need within our community! We are also looking for more ways to make an impact in our community! If you have any ideas, reach out to Sue Walls and let her know! If you are still looking to keep the Christmas study going, the study guides can be found on our website and for download here: https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/advent-2023---hidden-christmas ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting boxed cereal for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by May 12th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. May 15th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - April 15th - April 21st Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 / G.R.A.C.E. Backpack Packing 9-10 Wednesday: Bible Study - Philemon at 10:00 am / Choir Practice 6:00 / Praise Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:15 / Cornerstone Women 6:00 Friday: AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm / Church open 7-9 pm Next Sunday - April 21st - Scott Grube - Mission to Liberia - Matthew 28:19–20 - Adult & High School Sunday School Classes 9:30 / Worship Service 10:30 Use these links to get to our other social pages. Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. ** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps for the Week: Step 1: Go to Jesus - Matthew 11:28–30 Step 2. Look at his wounds - John 20: 24-29 Step 3. Drop your conditions - Hebrews 11:1 ** This Sunday the baptismal will be open. If you are feeling led by the Holy Spirit to get baptized and proclaim your faith, reach out to me and I will get you added to the list!! ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for April - Faith - “Trust in what you can’t see, because of what you believe.” Jesus and Peter when He was sinking in the water - Matthew 14: 22-34 ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, Packing takes place on Tuesday mornings with setup starting at 9:30 and packing beginning at 10:00! Feel free to join us! Thank you! Darlene ____________________________________________________________ ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. Stay tuned for our next meeting day and time. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Thursday April 4th at 5:00. They will be meeting to head to Do Good Restaurant in Osgood! ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - time to get involved! - we have been busy helping families in need within our community! We are also looking for more ways to make an impact in our community! If you have any ideas, reach out to Sue Walls and let her know! If you are still looking to keep the Christmas study going, the study guides can be found on our website and for download here: https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/advent-2023---hidden-christmas ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting canned fruit for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 110 by April 14th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. March 17th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - April 8th - April 14th Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 / G.R.A.C.E. Backpack Packing 9-10 Wednesday: Bible Study - Titus at 10:00 am / Choir Practice 6:00 / Praise Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm / Ad Council Meeting 7:00 Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:15 Friday: AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm / Church open 7-9 pm Next Sunday - April 7th - Living A Resurrected Life - When We Are Unworthy - John 13: 31-38 / Psalm 34: 15-22 - Adult & High School Sunday School Classes 9:30 / Worship Service 10:30 / Carry-In Lunch after church / Baptisms Use these links to get to our other social pages. Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. ** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps for the Week: Habakkuk 2:4 - the righteous will live by their faith in God. How do we do that? Step 1: Go to God in prayer daily (John 15:7) Step 2. Read God’s Word daily (Acts 17:11) Step 3. Obey God moment by moment (John 14:21) Step 4. Witness for Christ by your life and words (Matthew 4:19) Step 5. Trust God for every detail of your life (1 Peter 5:7) ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for April - Faith - “Trust in what you can’t see, because of what you believe.” Jesus and Peter when He was sinking in the water - Matthew 14: 22-34 ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, Packing takes place on Tuesday mornings with setup starting at 9:30 and packing beginning at 10:00! Feel free to join us! Thank you! Darlene ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. Stay tuned for our next meeting day and time. ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Thursday April 4th at 5:00. They will be meeting to head to Do Good Restaurant in Osgood! ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be meeting again! The men's group will be meeting this Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:00 pm. Come and join us! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - time to get involved! - we have been busy helping families in need within our community! We are also looking for more ways to make an impact in our community! If you have any ideas, reach out to Sue Walls and let her know! If you are still looking to keep the Christmas study going, the study guides can be found on our website and for download here: https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/advent-2023---hidden-christmas ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting canned fruit for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 110 by April 14th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. March 17th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - April 1st - April 7th Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 Wednesday: Bible Study - Titus at 10:00 am / Choir Practice 6:00 / Praise Practice 6:30 / Men’s Worship Warrior Wednesday 7:00 pm / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:15 / Cornerstone Women - 5:00 meet at the church (going to Do Good Restaurant in Osgood) Friday: AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm / Church open 7-9 pm Next Sunday - April 7th - Living A Resurrected Life - When We Are Sinking - Matthew 14: 22-34 / Psalm 73: 21-28 - Sunday School Classes 9:30 / Worship Service 10:30 / Communion Use these links to get to our other social pages. Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. |
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