** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps: Jesus teaches on the Ten Bridesmaids in Matthew 25: 1-13. Step 1: You need preparation. Verses 1-5. The well of anointing dwells within you. We leave it unused. The bridesmaids were pure, but they were not prepared. Step 2: You need a fresh supply. Verse 3. Fresh anointing is found in fresh contact. Each day is new, and each day provides a fresh well for us to draw from. Daily, hourly contact in relationship with God. Step 3: You need your own supply. Verses 6-9. Get some for yourself! You do not get anointed through others, or this building. We each need our own supply of Holy Spirit. This happens in our own cultivating of this relationship with God. Step 4: You need to pay the price. Verses 8-13. Salvation is free. The anointing of Holy Spirit power will cost you everything. If you want power untold, you will have to lay it all down. ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for May - Responsibility - “Be accountable for your promises and actions.” Jesus and the lost sheep. - Luke 15: 1-7 ** Services for LaVaughn Renkert: Visitation will be from 4-7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at the Daring & Sanford Funeral Home, 210 W. Hayes Street in DeGraff. Pastor Michael Mitchell will officiate a funeral service at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 29th at the funeral home. A lunch will be provided after the service at Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff, 1839 Co. Rd. 24 S. DeGraff, OH 43318 ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, We will start serving on Wednesday, June 5th, and our last day will be Wednesday, August 14th. That is 11 weeks of meals. We will serve from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. - unless food runs out before that end time. The schedule is below: June 5 - GRACE (Menu - Subway subs, fresh veggies, fruit, water or juice, and cookies). June 12 - Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff June 19 - Philadelphia Lutheran Church June 26 - Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff July 3 - GRACE July 10 - Quincy Methodist Church July 17 - Stony Creek Church July 24 - Philadelphia Lutheran Church July 31 - Stony Creek Church August 7 - Quincy Methodist Church August 14 - GRACE Thank you! Darlene ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. If you are a college age person and would like a Bible study for your age group, let me know. We can get something started that fits your schedules! ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Thursday June 6th at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - time to get involved! - we have been busy helping families in need within our community! We are also looking for more ways to make an impact in our community! If you have any ideas, reach out to Sue Walls and let her know! ** New Path Pregnancy Resource Center is holding its annual Baby Bottle Campaign between Mother's Day, May 12th, and Father's Day, June 16th. They are asking you to "Spare Some Change to Help Spare a Life". Pick up a bottle for your spare change in the gathering area! ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting Instant Potatoes (mashed, au gratin, scalloped) for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by June 16th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. June 19th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - May 27th - June 2nd Monday: Memorial Day - Church Closed Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 / Worship Team Meeting 6:00 Wednesday: Bible Study - Hebrews at 10:00 am / Praise Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:15 Friday: AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm Next Sunday - June 2nd - Biblical Teaching - Not Destroyed - 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 / Psalm 81:1-10 - Adult Sunday School Classes 9:30 / Worship Service 10:30 / Communion Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor.
** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps: Bible says in Isaiah 11:2 (NIV): “The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him — the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord.” Step 1: Spend time in prayer. A big part of understanding how the Holy Spirit guides you begins with prayer. - Romans 8:26 Step 2: Study the Bible. Take a deep dive into God’s word to determine how He wants you to live, what He wants you to do and how He wants you to behave. - Hebrews 4:12 Step 3: Worship the Lord. Carve out time in your schedule to worship. There’s no better way to welcome the Holy Spirit than through worship. - Romans 8:14-16 Step 4: Be Obedient to God. We will experience the will of God and the power of the Holy Spirit when we make the decision to follow His desires in our life. Hebrews 5:8–9 ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for May - Responsibility - “Be accountable for your promises and actions.” Jesus and the lost sheep. - Luke 15: 1-7 ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, No more packing as school is out for summer!! However our lunch in the park ministry will begin soon! Lunch in the park will begin in June. Cornerstone will be leading two different weeks on June 19th and 26th and we would love for you to help if you are able! Thank you! Darlene ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. If you are a college age person and would like a Bible study for your age group, let me know. We can get something started that fits your schedules! ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Thursday June 6th at 6:00. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - time to get involved! - we have been busy helping families in need within our community! We are also looking for more ways to make an impact in our community! If you have any ideas, reach out to Sue Walls and let her know! ** New Path Pregnancy Resource Center is holding its annual Baby Bottle Campaign between Mother's Day, May 12th, and Father's Day, June 16th. They are asking you to "Spare Some Change to Help Spare a Life". Pick up a bottle for your spare change in the gathering area! ** Graduation parties are coming this weekend. Keianna Notestine and Noah Brittenstine are on May 25th at the church from 3-7. Reece Jenkins will be on May 26th at the church from 4-7. ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting Instant Potatoes (mashed, au gratin, scalloped) for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by June 16th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. June 19th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - May 20th - May 26th Pastor Mike and Pat Holt will be at The Allegheny West Annual Conference May 22nd through 25th Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 Wednesday: Mulching Around the Church 9:00 am / Bible Study - Hebrews at 10:00 am / Praise Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:15 Friday: AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm Next Sunday - May 26th - Power of The Spirit - Spiritual Anointing - John 1: 29-34 / Psalm 92: 8-15 - Adult & High School Sunday School Classes 9:30 / Worship Service 10:30 Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. **Let me know if you would like to meet and get together. It is always easier for me to schedule time with you than for me to guess if you would like to visit with me or not! ** If you would like to be taken off the email list, please let me know. ** In Christ, Michael Mitchell 937-726-8524 |
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