** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps of Perseverance Step 1: Pray & Praise - James 5:13 - Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises! Step 2: Be In God’s Presence - Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Step 3: Surround Yourself With Other Believers - Hebrews 10:25 - "We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming". ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for August - Forgiveness - “Decide that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay.” Jesus and the return of the prodigal son: (Luke 15:11-31 **Grief Share Group - This will be a monthly group that will meet on the 2nd Monday of the month. Our next meeting will take place on 9/9/24 at 7:00 in DeGraff. This is not a study, or a book, this is more of a support group. Pastor Mike is not a licensed counselor, but will be leading through questions and expressing our grief and walking along this path together. There will be other meetings happening, so hopefully we will not be overwhelmed and be able to find a space for privacy. ** AWAKEN is an event designed to equip you as a spiritual leader in your church and community. This lay-center, worship-filled event is an excellent experience for you if you feel God working in your life and you want to be “all in.” Join us in Marysville, OH Sep 6-7 (Friday evening and all day Saturday) to learn how you can love and serve God more fully Read more and register: https://alleghenywestgmc.org/awaken/ ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. **We now have an online giving solution!! Simply go to: https://subsplash.com/u/cornerstonefellowshipofd/give create an account and start giving online!! ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - in transition - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, An update for everyone! 1. We are getting ready to start our Pirate Power Pack weekend meal bags. First pack - Tuesday, September 3rd, at 10:00 a.m. For those who are helping to get everything out, please be there by 9:30 a.m. We have been told that this year's number is 118 students. That is higher than in the past but we believe some Indian Lake families that were displaced may be living in the area. An article on food pantry use today indicated that food pantries are seeing higher numbers. Our numbers usually go with the same trends. In 2023, we started with 131 and were at 109 by mid-October; 2022 went the other way with a start of 133 and 136 by mid-October. 2021 showed 141 to start and 127 by mid-October. 2. We served 1,164 meals during the Summer Lunch Program. That is an average of 117 per week. 3/ We will provide "Soup & Sandwich Nights" in October. Monday evenings - 5;00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. We are still looking at who is doing what week. Here is what we have so far. Cornerstone Fellowship & Stony Creek will each take a week that is remaining. October 7th - Philadelphia Lutheran October 14th - Quincy Methodist (tentative) October 21st - ? October 28th - ? We have 8 ounce soup bowls with lids for use each week. 4. Our G.R.A.C.E. 30 second announcement that we won through Peak of Ohio contest will air throughout the month of September. You cannot say much at all in 30 seconds! Our thanks to everyone who supports G.R.A.C.E. through prayer, volunteer time, or financial donations. It takes everyone to continue to make G.R.A.C.E. a program that is valued in the greater Riverside area. Blessings! Thank you! Darlene Roll ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. If you are a college age person and would like a Bible study for your age group, let me know. We can get something started that fits your schedules! ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place on September 9th at 6:00 pm. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** 5th Quarter is off and running with the beginning of High School football season last Friday! We had 128 young people come through the doors and have a safe space to be with each other after the game. We will be hosting Sept. 6th, Sept. 27th, Oct. 4th, and Oct. 18th! Volunteers are needed and appreciated!!See Janet Siders if you are interested. ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - What an amazing time with the Free Sale this year. Great big "thank you" to Sue Walls for always graciously organizing things and making things move. We had over 197 people come through the doors and served over 200 hot dogs!! Most importantly, God was present!! ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting mac-n-cheese (mix or single serving) for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by Sep. 15th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. Sep. 18th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - August 26th - September 1st Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 Wednesday: Bible Study - at 10:00 am / Praise Practice 6 / Choir Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:00 / Worship Meeting 6:00 pm Friday: Church Open 7-9 / AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm Next Sunday - September 1st - Cheerful Giving - James 1: 17-27 / Psalm 45: 7-10 - Adult and Youth Sunday School 9:30 / Worship 10:30 / Communion Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor.
** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps of Courage from the Book of Mark Step 1: Prayer (Mark 9) – We are able to hear God communicate to us through Jesus, his word, and each other, and we respond with our own attention to the presence of God. Prayer is where our courage begins. Step 2: Surrender (Mark 10) – We surrender to him as Lord, turning over our time, talents, resources, and anything that stands in the way of his reign in our lives. Step 3: Persistence (Mark 5) – People with courageous faith don’t give up. When all hope seems lost, a synagogue ruler, a Gentile woman, and a bleeding woman do whatever it takes to find Jesus and trust in him. Step 4: Belief (Mark 5,9) – Because unbelief is such a barrier to courageous faith, we keep on believing through our times of doubt. ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for August - Forgiveness - “Decide that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay.” Jesus and the return of the prodigal son: (Luke 15:11-31 **Grief Share Group - This will be a monthly group that will meet on the 2nd Monday of the month. Our next meeting will take place on 8/12/24 at 7:00 in DeGraff. This is not a study, or a book, this is more of a support group. Pastor Mike is not a licensed counselor, but will be leading through questions and expressing our grief and walking along this path together. To carpool from Maplewood, meet at Maplewood by 6:30. ** AWAKEN is an event designed to equip you as a spiritual leader in your church and community. This lay-center, worship-filled event is an excellent experience for you if you feel God working in your life and you want to be “all in.” Join us in Marysville, OH Sep 6-7 (Friday evening and all day Saturday) to learn how you can love and serve God more fully Read more and register: https://alleghenywestgmc.org/awaken/ ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - in transition - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, Lunch in the park should be done for the summer. Stay tuned for backpack packing dates and times! Thank you! ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. If you are a college age person and would like a Bible study for your age group, let me know. We can get something started that fits your schedules! ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place on September 9th at 6:00 pm. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** 5th Quarter is starting up with the beginning of High School football season this week! We will be hosting Aug. 23rd, Sept. 6th, Sept. 27th, Oct. 4th, and Oct. 18th! Volunteers are needed and appreciated!!See Janet Siders if you are interested. ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - What an amazing time with the Free Sale this year. Great big "thank you" to Sue Walls for always graciously organizing things and making things move. We had over 197 people come through the doors and served over 200 hot dogs!! Most importantly, God was present!! ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting mac-n-cheese (mix or single serving) for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by Sep. 15th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. Sep. 18th at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - August 19th - August 25th Monday: Church Open 10-12 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 Wednesday: Bible Study - at 10:00 am / Praise Practice 6 / Choir Practice 6:30 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:00 Friday: Church Open 7-9 / AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm / 5th Quarter 9:30 - 11:30 Next Sunday - August 25th - Steps of Faith - Perseverance - Luke 12: 35-48 · 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 · Psalm 15: 1-5 - Adult and Youth Sunday School 9:30 / Worship 10:30 Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. ** Upcoming Events: ** Action Steps of Humility: James 4:10 says, “Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you.” Step 1: Confess your sins to God (Luke 18:9-14) – All of us sin and fall short of the glory of God. Still, too few of us routinely practice rigorous self-examination. Step 2: Acknowledge your sin to others (James 3:2; 5:16) – Humility before God is incomplete without humility before man as well. Step 3: Receive wrongs with grace (I Peter 3:8-17) – Patiently responding to others’ unjust accusations and actions demonstrate strength of godly character and provide an opportunity to put on humility. Step 4: Submit to God’s authority (I Peter 2:18) – Our culture devalues submission and promotes entitlement and individualism. In contrast, God commands us to walk in submission to His authority. ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for August - Forgiveness - “Decide that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay.” Jesus and the return of the prodigal son: (Luke 15:11-31 **Grief Share Group - This will be a monthly group that will meet on the 2nd Monday of the month. Our next meeting will take place on 8/12/24 at 7:00 in DeGraff. This is not a study, or a book, this is more of a support group. Pastor Mike is not a licensed counselor, but will be leading through questions and expressing our grief and walking along this path together. To carpool from Maplewood, meet at Maplewood by 6:30. ** AWAKEN is an event designed to equip you as a spiritual leader in your church and community. This lay-center, worship-filled event is an excellent experience for you if you feel God working in your life and you want to be “all in.” Join us in Marysville, OH Sep 6-7 (Friday evening and all day Saturday) to learn how you can love and serve God more fully Read more and register: https://alleghenywestgmc.org/awaken/ ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - in transition - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, We will be serving lunch in the park this Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. - unless food runs out before that end time. Thank you! ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. If you are a college age person and would like a Bible study for your age group, let me know. We can get something started that fits your schedules! ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place on August 15th at 6:00 pm. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** We will soon be starting a 5th Quarter Small Group where we will plan for each night, and offer a short devotional time! Help us on Friday nights after home football games and get involved, share your opinion and talents!! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - What an amazing time with the Free Sale this year. Great big "thank you" to Sue Walls for always graciously organizing things and making things move. We had over 197 people come through the doors and served over 200 hot dogs!! Most importantly, God was present!! ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting Jello (mix or single serving) for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by Aug. 18th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. Aug. 21st at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - August 12th - August 18th Monday: Church Open 10-12 / Grief Share Group 7:00 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 Wednesday: Bible Study - at 10:00 am / Lunch In The Park 11:30 - 1:00 / Praise Practice 6-8 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:00 / Cornerstone Women 6:00 Friday: Church Open 7-9 / AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm Next Sunday - August 18th - Steps of Faith - Courage - Matthew 26: 69-75 · Acts 9:1-9 · Psalm 139: 1-6 - Adult and Youth Sunday School 9:30 / Worship 10:30 Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. ** Upcoming Events:
** Action Steps of Love Step 1: Pray - Jesus knows His Father. In Matthew 21:22, He reminds us of why we should pray to Him. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Step 2: Love and Serve - Paul reminds us that love is a verb. In Galatians 5: 14 “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Step 3: Forgive - Jesus modeled forgiveness for us on the cross. Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Step 4: Share the Gospel - It is important for us to share what God has done for us through Jesus. Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. ** Each Month of 2024 we are going to have a Christian principle that we will focus on. Christian Principle for August - Forgiveness - “Decide that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay.” Jesus and the return of the prodigal son: (Luke 15:11-31 **Grief Share Group - This will be a monthly group that will meet on the 2nd Monday of the month. Our next meeting will take place on 8/12/24 at 7:00 in DeGraff. This is not a study, or a book, this is more of a support group. Pastor Mike is not a licensed counselor, but will be leading through questions and expressing our grief and walking along this path together. To carpool from Maplewood, meet at Maplewood by 6:30. ** AWAKEN is an event designed to equip you as a spiritual leader in your church and community. This lay-center, worship-filled event is an excellent experience for you if you feel God working in your life and you want to be “all in.” Join us in Marysville, OH Sep 6-7 (Friday evening and all day Saturday) to learn how you can love and serve God more fully Read more and register: https://alleghenywestgmc.org/awaken/ ** The new website and email are active and are the new contact locations for all things Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff. https://www.cornerstonedegraff.org/ is online but still a work in progress. You are hopefully using the new [email protected] for the church email. ** There are positions available within the church for you to get involved and belong to this body of believers. Be prayerful over the possibilities that God is desiring to use you. - Administrative Council chairperson - in transition - Meeting Secretary - one person - Nominations volunteer - 1 spot still open - We are also looking for a Lay Leader for the church! There are many more ways in which you can get involved. Reach out to Pastor Mike with the ways in which God is calling you to be active! The active Facebook page is found at: https://www.facebook.com/CornerstoneDeGraff The active YouTube channel is found at: https://youtube.com/@CornerstoneFellowshipDeGraff ** Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff is a Global Methodist Church, and we are in the Allegheny West Conference and you can visit their site at https://alleghenywestgmc.org/ if you are wanting more information! All the videos from the Annual Conference are now posted on their website! ** G.R.A.C.E. notes for this week. G.R.A.C.E. volunteers, We will be serving lunch in the park this Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. - unless food runs out before that end time. Thank you! ** Light Hours has been a great resource for our college age young people. If you are a college age person and would like a Bible study for your age group, let me know. We can get something started that fits your schedules! ** Our Cornerstone Women's group is planning to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place on August 15th at 6:00 pm. ** Our Cornerstone Men's group will be taking a break for summer. There are men looking to hold a Bible Study still, so reach out and see where you fit in! ** We will soon be starting a 5th Quarter Small Group where we will plan for each night, and offer a short devotional time! Help us on Friday nights after home football games and get involved, share your opinion and talents!! ** Looking for people to join a new small group. This group will meet once a month and will tackle a tough topic that takes some reflection. Think of it as a Bible study, but a little deeper! Want to go deeper? Let us know! **Missions Moment - What an amazing time with the Free Sale this year. Great big "thank you" to Sue Walls for always graciously organizing things and making things move. We had over 197 people come through the doors and served over 200 hot dogs!! Most importantly, God was present!! ** If you would like to purchase a Cornerstone Fellowship of DeGraff shirt you can follow this link and purchase your Cornerstone Fellowship swag! - https://exodus-shirt-company.myshopify.com/collections/cornerstone-fellowship-of-degraff ** We are now collecting Jello (mix or single serving) for the Five Loaves Food Pantry. We need 55 by Aug. 18th. They give out meals and food boxes Wed. Aug. 21st at 4:30 pm. If you would like to help carry boxes! This Week at the Church: - August 5th - August 11th Monday: Church Open 10-12 / Trustees Meeting 7:30 Tuesday: Church Open 10-12 Wednesday: Bible Study - at 10:00 am / Lunch In The Park 11:30 - 1:00 / Praise Practice 6-8 / Pastor Mike’s Quick Shots - Facebook and YouTube 8:00 pm Thursday: Church Open 10-12 / Senior Lunch 11:00 / Ad Council Meeting 7:00 Friday: Church Open 7-9 / AA Meeting at the church 8:00 - 9:00 pm Saturday: Free Sale 10:00 - 2:00 Next Sunday - August 11th - Steps of Faith - Love - Matthew 23: 25-36 · 2 Ti 2:20-26 · Psalm 51: 1-14 - Community Worship with Maplewood. At Maplewood Shelter House at 10:00 am!! Picnic to follow. Meat provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share! Two years ago we were On Mission! Worship - Reflect - Pray - Study - Serve - you can still use these methods! In 2023 we used the 5-S Method of Being The Church - Surrender - Surrounded - Spirit-Led - Self-Fed - Sent - We can still use the tools that we have been given to make sure that we have a fruitful relationship with God! Please pray this week for those who are sick and need healing, and those who you can share the love of Christ with! Do not forget to pray for your church, your community, and your pastor. |
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